God's Fingerprint In Mother Earth
"Earth, Mother Earth of the beginning, was a spiritual clay-earth. The spiritual earth was built up from spiritual silicon. Silicon, the tetrahedron form, contains My Light."
His symbol of His harmony and His balance.
I know a man who listened and saw. He saw the earth with eyes opened by our Creator, the Creator of our Earth and billions of galaxies. We can but see a small part of His Creation, and its enormity is far above what we can perceive. But He, the Most High, the I AM which is in the most tiny in order to be everywhere, showed this man His fingerprint in Mother Earth. Mother Earth, the receptacle of His Creation, who was prepared to take His imprint in her body, as we also should wear His imprint.
Let us look first what Dr. Benesch discovered in Mother Earth. He, a German theologian and archaeologist travelled around on earth and discovered a broken pot of huge wealth. Then he put the pieces together to bring the pot to its erstwhile shape. Other archaeologists have indeed done that before him, but did not discover this big secret in the pot, Mother Earth.
He saw that the earth is not only a living organism, but in the beginning it also had a certain form. This form came about when God separated the ground from the waters. Then His fingerprint appeared and His sign of perfect harmony was manifested. Dr. Benesch gave the symbol its trigonomic name, namely the tetrahedron, which consists of four equally-sized triangles, fitted together in perfect harmony and balance...
Dr. Benesch discovered more in that form. Not only did it have the shape of a tetrahedron, but also that of a skull and a heart. Thus there were three imprints in Mother Earth. He called it a crystal. Three symbols. Father, I prayed, is that what You gave earth as Your fingerprint? "Not only in Mother Earth", He replied, "but also in man. Man's soul should also carry My imprint." That is why God gave us the first commandment.
The first commandment reads: "you must love the Lord thy God with all your heart" Your heart one with His heart and the heart in Mother Earth. His love in your body and soul. His Godly Love which keeps the entire creation in harmony and balance. His Love which brings harmony where there was disharmony. His Love which brings balance where there was imbalance. His Love which brings healing where there was illness. His heart, His Love.
The skull imprint symbolizes the head and thoughts. His wisdom, His will. You must Love the Father with all your mind. Your thoughts one with His thoughts. One with His will. Then there is harmony in a person's life, which went out of balance because of self-will. God never created imbalance, man did. The skull contains the eyes who see.
Now you have eyes, but do not see His will. You have ears on your head, but do not listen to His voice within you. You create disharmony by not listening and not loving. The human soul which carries the heart of His Love must be one with His Spirit. Man is created in His image. Thus your soul which enfolds your body should carry His first commandment. It should be engraved in your soul like His Name, the I Am What I Am.
Only then can you put the second commandment into action. Then we can carry forth His image according to which we were created. His perfect harmony, the tetrahedron-form. Everything and always the Trinity. The Trinity four times, because you must also love the Father with all your might. His might. His faith-power. His Godly Love-Energy. His Light energy.
Long before we went to Israel I asked Jesus Christ" "Did I really understand correctly that Mother Earth carries the sign of perfect harmony?"
"Draw lines between My wounds on the cross", He replied. That was a holy thing to do, but He is always right. Carefully I started at His heart and drew lines to His left wrist and right wrist, then from His hands to His feet. My eyes saw, as your eyes may see. [drawing]